
  • Sherazede Bouderbala Oran university
  • Josiane Prost Université de Bourgogne
  • Malika Bouchenak Faculté des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie. Université


Hypercholesterolemic rat, Nil, Hepatic lipase, Post heparin lipase


Objective: Hypercholesterolemia is among the most common health problems treated with traditional remedies. The role of lipoprotein lipase in hypercholesterolemia has been the subject of many reviews. We hypothesized that administration of Ajuga iva (Ai) aqueous extract to rats fed a cholesterol-rich diet would induce hypotriglyceridaemia by decreasing lipolytic activity.

Methods: Male wistar rats (n=12) were fed on 1% cholesterol-enriched diet for 15d. After this phase, hypercholesterolemic rats (HC) were divided into two groups fed the same diet supplemented or not with Ai for 15d.

Results: compared with the HC group, serum triacylglycerols (TG) and unesterified cholesterol (UC) values were respectively 1.4-fold lower and 1.8-fold higher in Ai-HC. VLDL amount (which represented the sum of apolipoproteins (apos)+TG+cholesteryl esters (CE)+UC+phospholipids (PL)), apos, TG and CE contents were, respectively, 2.2-, 2.6-, 4.4-and 1.9-fold lower, whereas that of UC were 1.9-fold higher in Ai-HC. LDL-HDL1-TG value was 1.5-fold lower, and that of PL was 2-fold higher in Ai-HC. The HDL2, amount, TG and UC values were respectively, 2.2-, 8-and 1.2-fold higher and the PL contents were 1.2-fold lower in the Ai-HC. The HDL3, TG, UC and CE values were 3-, 1.6-and 2-fold higher in the Ai-HC group, whereas, PL contents were 1.4-fold lower. Hepatic lipase activity was similar and that of post-heparin lipases was increased by+15% in Ai-HC.

Conclusion: cholesterol-enriched diet supplemented with a lyophilised aqueous extract from Ajuga iva induces hypotriglyceridemia concomitantly with decreased VLDL-TG, by stimulating post-heparin lipoprotein lipase activity.



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How to Cite

Bouderbala, S., J. Prost, and M. Bouchenak. “AJUGA IVA TREATMENT INCREASES POST-HEPARIN LIPASE ACTIVITY AND DECREASES SERUM AND VLDL-TRIACYLGLYCEROLS IN RATS FED A CHOLESTEROL-RICH DIET”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 6, June 2015, pp. 136-40, https://mail.innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijpps/article/view/5180.



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