
  • Karan Yash Bhargava Dr. D Y Patil Dental College, Pune
  • Shalini Aggarwal Dr. D Y Patil Dental College
  • Tanaya Kumar Dr. D Y Patil Dental College
  • Shobha Bhargava Pune University


Anti oxidants, Smear layer Neem, Triphala, Amla


Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of 3 Anti-Oxidants versus NaOCl and EDTA: used for root canal irrigation in smear layer removal by SEM analysis.

Methods: Root canal treatment was performed on 100 single rooted teeth and the smear layer removing abilities of Neem, Triphala, Amla EDTA and Saline were checked by using them as the last irrigant.

Results: EDTA and Amla showed the best smear layer removing ability followed by Neem and Triphala.

Conclusion: Neem, Triphala and Amla showed the potential to remove the smear layer. EDTA showed the maximum efficacy in removing the smear layer.



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Author Biographies

Karan Yash Bhargava, Dr. D Y Patil Dental College, Pune

Post graduate student (Dept of Endodontics) at Dr. D Y Patil Dental College

Shalini Aggarwal, Dr. D Y Patil Dental College

Professor (Dept of Endodontics) at Dr. D Y Patil Dental College

Tanaya Kumar, Dr. D Y Patil Dental College

Post Graduate student(Dept of Endodontics) at Dr. D Y Patil Dental College

Shobha Bhargava, Pune University

Assistant Professor at Dept of Botany at Pune University


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How to Cite

Bhargava, K. Y., S. Aggarwal, T. Kumar, and S. Bhargava. “COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF THE EFFICACY OF THREE ANTI-OXIDANTS VS NAOCL AND EDTA: USED FOR ROOT CANAL IRRIGATION IN SMEAR LAYER REMOVAL–SEM STUDY”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 6, June 2015, pp. 366-71,



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