
  • Mwila Mulubwa University of Zambia, Department of Pharmacy
  • Shiv Prakash University of Zambia, Department of Chemistry


Cassia abbreviata, Potency, Antibacterial, Antifungal


Objective: To evaluate the potential antimicrobial activity and relative potency of aqueous and organic extracts of Cassia abbreviata Oliv stem bark against clinical isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA), Klebsiella pneumoniae (KP) and Candida albicans (CA).

Methods: Six extracts of Cassia abbreviata Oliv stem bark were prepared as follows: Four extracts were prepared following Soxhlet extraction procedure using ethanol, water, trichloromethane (TCM) and dichloromethane (DCM)+ethanol (1:1) as solvents, respectively. Two extracts were prepared by soaking the powdered stem bark in ethanol and water, respectively, and subjected to mechanical shaking for 8 hours. Antimicrobial activities and minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of extracts were evaluated in-vitro using agar well diffusion assay.

Results: All extracts except TCM were active against NG and PA with an average MIC of 78.8 µg/ml. The cold aqueous extract had a lowest MIC (46.88 µg/ml) against PA, whereas both hot and cold ethanol extracts had a lowest MIC of 46.88 µg/ml against NG. Only hot extracts (ethanol, DCM+ethanol and TCM) were active against KP with a lowest MIC of 46.88 µg/ml of TCM extract. Both extracts of cold ethanol and DCM+ethanol were active against CA with cold ethanol extract having a lower MIC of 93.75 µg/ml compared with DCM+ethanol.

Conclusion: There were variations in in-vitro antimicrobial activities (microbial growth inhibition) of Cassia abbreviata Oliv stem bark extracts which depended on the solvent used. Organic extracts were more potent against NG, PA, KP and CA compared with aqueous extracts.



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How to Cite

Mulubwa, M., and S. Prakash. “ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY AND POTENCY OF CASSIA ABBREVIATA OLIV STEM BARK EXTRACTS”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 6, June 2015, pp. 426-8,



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