
  • Avinash T. Gatade G. N. Khalsa College, Guru Nanak Institute of Research and Development, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Azmina A. K. Masurkar G. N. Khalsa College, Guru Nanak Institute of Research and Development, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  • Rupali A. Gatade Mahatma Phule Arts, Science & Commerce College, Department of Chemistry, Panvel, Maharashtra, India
  • Dhara J Gandhi The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Department of Botany, Vadodara, Gujrat, India


Blumea eriantha, Phamacognostic studies, Fluorescence analysis, HPTLC, Trichome


Objective: To study the pharamacognostic, morphological, microscopical characters of leaves of Blumea eriantha DC also to carry out the chemical analysis of its leaf powder and establish the chromatographic fingerprint.

Methods: Anatomical investigations and fluorescence analysis were carried out as per the standard techniques. Various quantitative parameters like ash values, extractive values and moisture content can be used as quality control parameters for B. eriantha were determined. The air dried leaf powder was extracted with methanol and fingerprinting pattern was developed by using High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography (HPTLC) technique.

Results: The epidermal study of leaves revealed several stalked glandular trichomes and multicellular uniseriate trichomes on both the epidermis of the leaves. Fluorescence analysis of leaves powder of B. eriantha revealed a range of colours from dark green to brownish black under short Ultra Violet (UV) light. The HPTLC fingerprint of methanolic extract of B. eriantha leaves showed six well resolved components.

Conclusion: The pharamacognostic studies carried out for Blumea eriantha DC and presented here provide referential information for the identification of this crude drug and will also help in distinguishing it from its adulterants.


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Author Biographies

Avinash T. Gatade, G. N. Khalsa College, Guru Nanak Institute of Research and Development, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

PhD Research Scholar at G. N. Khalsa College, Guru Nanak Institute of Research and Development, Mumbai, India.

Azmina A. K. Masurkar, G. N. Khalsa College, Guru Nanak Institute of Research and Development, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Research Scholar at G. N. Khalsa College, Guru Nanak Institute of Research and Development, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.

Rupali A. Gatade, Mahatma Phule Arts, Science & Commerce College, Department of Chemistry, Panvel, Maharashtra, India

Research scholar at Mahatma Phule Arts, Science & Commerce College, Department of Chemistry, Panvel, Maharashtra, India.

Dhara J Gandhi, The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Department of Botany, Vadodara, Gujrat, India

Research Scholar at The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Department of Botany, Vadodara, Gujrat, India. 


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How to Cite

Gatade, A. T., A. A. K. Masurkar, R. A. Gatade, and D. J. Gandhi. “PHARMACOGNOSTIC STUDIES AND HPTLC FINGERPRINTING OF BLUMEA ERIANTHA DC (ASTERACEAE) LEAVES”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 2015, pp. 97-100,



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