
  • Vandana Bharti Department of Botany, Lab of Molecular Biology, Dr. Hari Singh Gour (Central University), Sagar, MP, India
  • Archana Mehta Central University
  • Siddhartha Singh Central University
  • Neha Jain Central University
  • Laxmi Ahirwal Central University
  • Suchi Mehta Banasthali University


Bacteriocin, Lactic Acid Bacteria, Chemical Preservatives, Antibiotics, Biopreservatives


Bacteriocins are antimicrobial peptides which are ribosomally synthesized and produced by Lactic acid bacteria. They play a major role in prevention of human disease such as cancer, inflammatory disease, respiratory infection, systemic infection, intestinal disorder and bacterial infection and also contribute in maintaining the healthy gut microflora. Now day's bacteriocin is emerging as the very promising natural alternative against the antibiotic and chemical preservatives and gaining commercial importance worldwide. The inhibition of pathogenic bacterial strains occurs due to cell permiabilization, but producing strains are protected from it by specific immunity proteins. They are mainly classified in 4 classes: class I, class II, class III, and class IV bacteriocin based on lantibiotics ring. Nisin, Pediocin, Lactococcin B, Acidocin CH5, Curvacin A, and Sakacin are the bacteriocins, which have strong inhibition against pathogenic bacterial strain and used in food preservation. This review article summarizes and focuses on general introduction, classification, ecology and potential applications of bacteriocin as biopreservatives in food industry.


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Author Biography

Vandana Bharti, Department of Botany, Lab of Molecular Biology, Dr. Hari Singh Gour (Central University), Sagar, MP, India

Department of Botany


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How to Cite

Bharti, V., A. Mehta, S. Singh, N. Jain, L. Ahirwal, and S. Mehta. “BACTERIOCIN: A NOVEL APPROACH FOR PRESERVATION OF FOOD”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 9, Sept. 2015, pp. 20-29,



Review Article(s)