
  • Maduraiveeran Hemavathi University of Madras
  • Palani Dhayananthan University of Madras
  • Sivasamy Sivaranjani University of Madras
  • Samson Kumar University of Madras
  • Shiva Shakthi University of Madras
  • Chinnsamy Arulvasu Department of Zoology, University of Madras, Guindy Campus, Chennai 600025, Tamilnadu, India


Jelly fish, Collagen, Antioxidants, Cell adhesion


Objective: Collagen is an important biomaterial in medical applications due to its special characteristics of biodegradability and weak antigenicity. Collagens from many sources possess specific biological properties that make potential ingredient of health promoting food. Jellyfish is a rich source of collagen, which has high nutritious and medicinal value. In this study, the cell adhesion and antioxidant activity of the collagen from jellyfish Acromitus flagellatus were evaluated for the development of novel pharmaceutical agents.

Methods: The pepsin solubilized (ps) collagen of the jellyfish A. flagellatus were subjected to protein quantification and profiling. The collagen was evaluated for its cell adhesion and anti oxidant free radical scavenging potential by in vitro assay.

Results: The protein content of the jellyfish collagen was estimated to be 0.013 mg/ml. The protein profile of crude collagen protein revealed the molecular weight to be in the range of 205 kDa to 29 kDa. The collagen showed cells adherent property in a dose dependent manner with increase in the coating concentrations at 20-100 μg/ml. It also showed a potent free radical scavenging activity in the dose dependent with a highest activity at the concentration of 294.63 μg/ml.

Conclusion: Our results suggest that the collagen isolated from A. flagellatus can be used potentially as an alternative source of collagen used in various biomedical applications which is more reliable and easily available.



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Author Biography

Maduraiveeran Hemavathi, University of Madras

department of zoology


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How to Cite

Hemavathi, M., P. Dhayananthan, S. Sivaranjani, S. Kumar, S. Shakthi, and C. Arulvasu. “ANTIOXIDANT AND CELL ADHESION PROPERTIES OF COLLAGEN FROM JELLYFISH ACROMITUS FLAGELLATUS”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 9, Sept. 2015, pp. 160-4,



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