
  • Maha Z. Rizk
  • M. El-sherbiny
  • Ibrahim H. Borai
  • Magda K. Ezz
  • Hanan F. Aly Therpeutical Chemistry Dept., National Research centre, Dokki, Giza, 12311, Egypt
  • Azza A. Matloub
  • Abd El-Razik Farrag
  • Ghadha I. Fouad


Objective: Hypercholesterolemia (HC) was frequently associated with oxidative stress, and release of inflammatory cytokines is to determine the hypolipidemic effects of sulphated polysaccharides from seaweed Ulva fasciata algal extracts through measuring the activities of some parameters related to liver and kidney functions in the serum of hypercholesterolemic rats as compared to normal one.

Methods: Different groups of rats were administered a high cholesterol diet. Liver and kidney functions, inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, CRP, MPO and IL-10), oxidative stress (GSH, MDA and NO), in addition to cell adhesion molecules (ICAM-1 and VCAM-1) were assessed before and after treatment with the algal polysaccharides. In addition, histological examination of liver and kidney were performed to confirm the biochemical findings.

Results: The obtained results showed that oxidative stress and inflammatory markers associated with hypercholesterolemia were significantly increased in HC-rats. The histopathological examination of liver and kidney demonstrated severe degeneration with diffuse vacuolar degeneration, necrosis and the presence of fatty droplets. In addition; nephron-histological examination revealed, mild glomerular injury with mild vascular and inflammatory changes. Treatment with the algal sulphated polysaccharides effectively improved these disorders and diminished the formation of fatty liver, as well as renal dysfunction more than the reference drug; fluvastatin.

Conclusion: It could be concluded that the consumption of UFP (Ulva fasciata polysaccharides), may be associated with attenuation of inflammatory markers, amelioration of fatty liver and improvement of renal dysfunction, that in turn lead to counteract hypercholesterolemia and its related disorders; such as obesity, and heart disease.

Keywords: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, Seaweed, Ulva fasciata, Hypercholesterolemia, Hypolipidemic activity, Sulphated polysaccharides (SPs)


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How to Cite

Rizk, M. Z., M. El-sherbiny, I. H. Borai, M. K. Ezz, H. F. Aly, A. A. Matloub, A. E.-R. Farrag, and G. I. Fouad. “SULPHATED POLYSACCHARIDES (SPS) FROM THE GREEN ALGA ULVA FASCIATA EXTRACT MODULATES LIVER AND KIDNEY FUNCTION IN HIGH FAT DIET-INDUCED HYPERCHOLESTEROLEMIC RATS”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 6, June 2016, pp. 43-55,



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