
  • Sushma R. Kotian Department of Anatomy, Kasturba Medical College
  • K. Sreedhara R. Pai ManipalUniversit
  • J. K. Nayak Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara Ayurvedic College
  • Hemalatha Bangera Department of Anatomy, Kasturba Medical College
  • Keerthana Prasad Manipal University
  • Kumar M. R. Bhat Department of Anatomy, Kasturba Medical College


Wound healing, Honey, Ghee, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Nerium indicum


Objective: Ayurveda, India's traditional medicinal system is a rich source of natural remedies, frequently used as home and folk medicine in wound healing due to easy availability and affordability. Honey, Ghee and roots of Glycyrrhiza glabra are effectively used in Ayurveda for treating wounds of various types. Nerium indicum (a folk medicine) is also a known healing agent. Even though the known end result of these medications is faster wound healing, the mechanism of actions at tissue level, changes in the micro-environment of the wound and quantification of the rate of healing is not explored and documented using modern scientific methods.

Methods: Healthy Wistar rats were used for incision wound model. Wounds were inflicted and the treatment plan was followed with regular topical application of test materials. The nature of healing was observed regularly and photographed. At different interval of the treatment plan-biomechanical, biochemical and histological studies were carried out. An attempt was also made to quantify the microscopic changes at the wound site.

Results: Faster healing was observed in all the animals treated with test materials. This was indicated by alterations in the nature of epithelisation, inflammatory changes, fibroblast recruitment and activity, fibrous composition and arrangement at the wound site in comparison with untreated group.

Conclusion: The present study is useful in exploring the mechanism of action of these traditional Indian medicinal systems–Ayurveda and folk medicine and thereby provides scientific evidences for the same.



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How to Cite

Kotian, S. R., K. S. R. Pai, J. K. Nayak, H. Bangera, K. Prasad, and K. M. R. Bhat. “BIOMECHANICAL, BIOCHEMICAL AND HISTOLOGICAL EVIDENCES FOR WOUND HEALING PROPERTIES OF INDIAN TRADITIONAL MEDICINES”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 11, Nov. 2015, pp. 163-71,



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