
  • Qhuddsia Q. N. Associate Professor, Dept. of Amraze Niswan wa Ilmul Qabalat, Govt. Nizamia Tibbi College
  • Arshiya Sultana Lecturer, Dept. of Amraze Niswan wa Qabalat, National Institute of Unani Medicine, PG Institute of Research, Bangalore, Karnataka
  • Iftekhar Jahan Emeritus Professor, Dept. of Amraze Niswan wa Ilmul Qabalat, Govt. Nizamia Tibbi College, Hyderabad, Telangana


Abnormal vaginal discharge, Endocervicitis, Randomized trial, Unani formulation


Objective: To compare the efficacy of Unani formulation in chronic endocervicitis.

Methods: A parallel, comparative randomized trial was conducted at Govt. Nizamia General Hospital, Hyderabad from 1998 to 2000 in 50 patients (25 in each group) with sign and symptoms of endocervicitis. The intervention was administered per oral and locally for 10 d from day 7 to day 16 of each menstrual cycle up to three consecutive months in both groups (A and B). Group A received 10 g powder of mako khusk, chobchini, and gul surkh with equal quantity of sugar orally, twice daily and locally douching with 100 ml of joshandae of barge neem (5g), and gule tesu (5g) was done per vaginum followed by insertion of humool (pessary) of loabe khatmi (5g), and safoof sadberg (3) mixed with roghan neem (10 ml). Group B received 7.5 g powder of ushba and kasni mixed with equal quantity of sugar orally, twice daily. Humool of loabe hulba (5g), and raswat (3g) with roghane gul was kept per vaginum. The outcome was inter-group comparison of effectiveness of Unani medicine by observing change in subjective and objective parameters of endocervicitis. Chi-square/Fisher Exact tests were carried out to observe the inter group comparison.

Results: The demographic characteristics were statistically not significant (P>0.05) between the groups. No statistical difference was noted in the subjective and objective parameters of endocervicitis (P>0.05), showing that both groups were comparable.

Conclusion: Group A and B were comparable in ameliorating sign and symptoms of endocervicitis because of anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-microbial effects. Further, randomized controlled trials are recommended.


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How to Cite

N., Q. Q., A. Sultana, and I. Jahan. “EFFICACY OF UNANI FORMULATIONS IN CHRONIC ENDOCERVICITIS: A RANDOMIZED COMPARATIVE STUDY”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 7, no. 11, Nov. 2015, pp. 101-4, https://mail.innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijpps/article/view/8416.



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