
  • Syed Safiullah Ghori Pharmacology Research Lab, Anwar-ul-Uloom College of Pharmacy, New Mallepally, Hyderabad 500016, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Md Ikram Ahmed Anwar-ul-Uloom College of Pharmacy
  • Md Arifuddin National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research
  • Md Shoaibuddin Khateeb Anwar-ul-Uloom College of Pharmacy


OFCMT, Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic


Objective: To determine analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity of a oily formulation containing camphor, menthol and thymol as ingredients in wistar albino mice and rats.

Methods: Acute toxicity studies were done as per OECD 423 guidelines. No signs of toxicity were observed up to 2000 mg/kg. Based on the mortality rate dose was designed. Analgesic activity was performed in Swiss albino mice by Hot plate method. Anti inflammatory activity was performed in male Wistar rats by turpentine induced inflammation model.

Results: The formulation at a dose of (100 mg/kg & 200 mg/kg) produced a dose dependent significant analgesic effect in hot plate method (p<0.001). However the formulation at a dose of (250 mg/kg & 500 mg/kg) showed anti-inflammatory effect (p<0.001) when compared with the control group.

Conclusion: In the above investigations OFCMT (oily formulation of camphor, menthol and thymol) has shown tremendous protection from pain and Inflammation in experimental animals the above pharmacological effects may be due to the presence of monoterpenoids in the formulation.



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How to Cite

Ghori, S. S., M. I. Ahmed, M. Arifuddin, and M. S. Khateeb. “EVALUATION OF ANALGESIC AND ANTI-INFLAMMATORY ACTIVITIES OF FORMULATION CONTAINING CAMPHOR, MENTHOL AND THYMOL”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 1, Jan. 2016, pp. 271-4, https://mail.innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijpps/article/view/8582.



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