
  • Elin Yulinah Sukandar Institute Technology Bandung, Bandung
  • Ahmad Ridwan Institute Technology Bandung, Bandung
  • Yedy Purwandi Sukmawan School of Pharmacy, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institute Technology Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia


Anredera cordifolia, Sonchus avensis, Ursolic Acid, Nitric Oxide, Nil


Objective: The objective of this study to investigate the vasodilation effect and the mechanism of ethanolic extract of Anredera cordifolia, Sonchus arvensis L and ursolic acid on isolated rabbit aortic and frog heart.

Methods: Aortic rings were placed in an organ bath and pre-contracted with Norepinephrine (2.9 x 10-3 mM) and potassium chloride (40µM) before addition of ethanolic extract of Anredera cordifolia, Sonchus arvensis L and ursolic acid. An anesthetized frog that exposes the heart was placed in organ bath and pre-contracted with Norepinephrine (2.9 x 10-3 mM). The vasodilation response by an extract of Anredera cordifolia, Sonchus arvensis L and ursolic acid were evaluated in the duration of contraction of aortic and a decrease of frequence and amplitude pattern of frog heart.

Results: Ethanolic extract of Anredera cordifolia (0.9 mg/ml) produced significant vasodilation of the norephineprine pre-contracted rabbit aortic rings (p<0.05) but not produced vasodilation of potassium chloride pre-contracted rabbit aortic rings. The vasodilation response to an ethanolic extract of Anredera cordifolia may be resulted through nitric oxide (NO), since the pretreatment of the isolated rabbit aortic rings with methylene blue inhibited the NO-mediated vasodilation. Moreover, the extract exhibited vasodilation of frog heart, which appeared may be mediated by inhibition of β1-adrenoreceptor. Whereas, ethanolic extract of Sonchus arvensis L. produced vasoconstriction of the norepinephrine and potassium chloride pre-contracted rabbit aortic rings. Afterward, continued for ursolic acid. The ursolic acid (0.5 µg/ml) not produced vasodilation effect of the norepinephrine and potassium chloride pre-contracted rabbit aortic rings, but exhibited vasodilation of frog heart; it means the ursolic acid had a role in vasodilation effect of frog heart of ethanolic extract of Anredera cordifolia. Moreover, this vasodilation effect may be mediated by inhibition of β1-adreno receptor, since the heart had β1-adrenoreceptor and inhibition of this receptor exhibited vasodilation (decrease frequency and amplitude). In addition, the pattern of vasodilation appeared to be similar with vasodilation induced by bisoprolol (2.5 µg/ml) and did not show as muscarinic agonist based on no vasodilation produced in isolated aortic.

Conclusion: The obtained results revealed that ethanolic extract of Anredera cordifolia exhibited vasodilation in rabbit aortic rings may be through facilitating the role of an endogenous compound such as nitric oxide (NO) and also exhibited vasodilation on frog heart may be mediated β1-adrenoreceptor inhibition. Whereas, the ethanolic extract of Sonchus avensis L produced vasoconstriction. In addition, ursolic acid compound not produced vasodilation effect of the norephineprine and potassium chloride pre-contracted rabbit aortic rings but exhibited vasodilation of frog heart that may be mediated β1-adrenoreceptor inhibition.



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How to Cite

Sukandar, E. Y., A. Ridwan, and Y. P. Sukmawan. “VASODILATATION EFFECT OF ETHANOLIC EXTRACT OF ANREDERA CORDIFOLIA, SONCHUS ARVENSIS L, AND URSOLIC ACID ON ISOLATED RABBIT AORTIC AND FROG HEART”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 2, Feb. 2016, pp. 145-9,



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