
  • Ghazal Zrekah Master Student, Department of Analytical and Food Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Tishreen University, Lattakia, Syria
  • Dima Al. Diab Tishreen University
  • Ayat Abboud Tishreen University


Infant formula, Oxidation, Protein carbonyls, Peroxide value


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate fat and protein oxidation levels in imported infant formulas [infant formula (IFa1) and follow up formula (IFa2)]; which are available in Syrian market. In addition, the aim was to determine the best conditions for preparing the feeds, and for storage of the opened cans.

Methods: Fat oxidation was evaluated by peroxide value (PV) using the iodometric method. Protein oxidation was assessed by the selective indicator protein carbonyls (PCs), using the spectrophotometry method at 280 nm to measure the protein content. Next, the effects of storage at room temperature and refrigerator temperature on both fat and protein oxidation were studied. Furthermore, we studied the changes on fat and proteins oxidation caused by reconstituting the feeds by 40 áµ’C and 70 áµ’C water.

Results: PV levels of IFa1 ranged between 0.88 and 1.30 mEqO2 ∕ kg, and were higher than those of IFa2 which ranged between 0.76 and 1.24 mEqO2 ∕ kg. Similarly, PCs levels of IFa1 ranged between 40.5 and 87.6 m mol ∕ kg protein, and were also higher than PCs levels of IFa2 which ranged between 27.78 and 82.96 m mol ∕ kg protein. We found no differences between PCs levels of samples stored at refrigerator and room temperature for 21 d, while PV levels of samples stored at refrigerator temperature were lower than those stored at room temperature for 21 d. For preparation conditions, no differences were observed in oxidation levels between the feed reconstituted by 40 ᵒC and 70 ᵒC water.

Conclusion: All IF samples available in Syrian market showed oxidation levels using PV and PCs. Additionally, it is better to keep the opened IF cans at refrigerator temperature than keeping them at room temperature, especially for fat oxidation. Finally, no differences were observed by reconstitution IF by 40 áµ’C and 70 áµ’C water.



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How to Cite

Zrekah, G., D. A. Diab, and A. Abboud. “DETERMINATION OF PROTEIN AND FAT OXIDATION LEVELS IN IMPORTED INFANT FORMULA AVAILABLE IN SYRIA”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 2, Feb. 2016, pp. 169-72,



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