
  • Preeti Sharma
  • Pradeep Kumar Santosh University


For thousands of years, yoga an ancient holistic relaxation practice has been used as an effective therapeutic tool that counteracts the adverse clinical
conditions of human beings. A host of bodily changes has been observed under the influence of yoga. Such practices are really helpful in numerous
disorders including hypertension, obesity, anxiety, insomnia and aging itself and a number of other disorders. However, the underlying molecular
mechanisms that explain these clinical benefits are still an enigma. The efficacy of yoga and meditation as an adjunct to routine management of various
diseases and disorder is a great challenge in the present scenario. Ayurvedic knowledge of yoga is much more incompatible with its understanding of
biochemical and hematological changes. Exploring the biochemical association with various yogic postures and practices will definitely improve the
practice as therapeutic adjuvant and thus, will improve the quality of life.
Keywords: Yoga, Biochemical alterations, Hematological alterations.


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Author Biography

Pradeep Kumar, Santosh University

Professor of Biochemistry



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How to Cite

Sharma, P., and P. Kumar. “SCOPE OF YOGA PRACTICES IN HEMATOLOGICAL AND BIOCHEMICAL ALTERATIONS”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 2016, pp. 73-75,



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