Quantification and determination of antioxidants in Syzygium cumini: Revalance to human health


  • Amit Gupta Vidya Pratishthan School of Biotechnology


Introduction- As per the literature, Syzygium cumini, medicinal plant products i.e. bark, leaves, seed and fruits are used as an alternative medicine to treat various diseases. Inspite of ites medicinal uses, this work was further carried out to determined the protein content including antioxidant (i.e. vitamins C and E) content in aqueous leaves extract of Syzygium cumini in lysed human whole blood.

 Methods- For these studies, we analyzed various antioxidants especially vitamins (C and E) in lysed human whole blood using aqueous leaves extract of Syzygium cumini (10 mg/ml; stock solution). In addition, estimation of protein content through Nanodrop method.  For these studies, capsules of antioxidants {Vitamin C (Celin) and vitamin E (Evion) were used as standard.


Results- The results showed that Syzygium cumini significantly increased in Vitamin C production as compared to antioxidant (Vitamin C capsule) control but there is little enhancement in vitamin E production. In addition, two bands of protein (45 and 60 kDa) are observed in aqueous leaves extract of Syzygium cumini.


Conclusion- Aqueous leaves extract of Syzygium cumini showed significant enhancement in vitamin C production. The study of this medicinal plant is very important and provide a scientific data of particular importance for the local people using these plant products for a variety of body disorders.



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How to Cite

Gupta, A. (2017). Quantification and determination of antioxidants in Syzygium cumini: Revalance to human health. Innovare Journal Health Sciences, 5(1), 21–24. Retrieved from https://mail.innovareacademics.in/journals/index.php/ijhs/article/view/16371



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