
  • V. D. Lonkar Clinical Research Department, R&D Ayurvet Limited, Baddi, H.P., India
  • Shivi Maini
  • K. Ravikanth


Herbal liver tonic, layer performance, summer stress


Objective: The present study was designed to study the efficacy of herbal liver tonic product Superliv liquid (M/S Ayurvet Limited) on overall performance in layer birds during summer stress.Methods: Seventy-two commercial layer strain BV300 were randomly divided into three groups. Each group was subdivided into three replicates (n=8). Group T0, the control group, supplemented with commercial layer mash only. In Group T1 commercial layer mash supplemented with synthetic vitamin C at 100 gm/tonne of feed and group T2 commercial layer supplemented with herbal liver tonic-Superliv Liquid at 10 ml/100birds/day (M/S Ayurvet Limited). The layer performance parameters like feed consumption, feed efficiency, egg weight, egg production and egg quality were studied.Results: Feed efficiency was also found to be improved in Superliv liquid supplemented group T2. Significant (p<0.05) improvement in egg weight and egg production in Superliv liquid supplemented group T2. Serum cortisol level was also significantly reduced in group T2 birds after Superliv liquid supplementation.Conclusion: From the overall study, it was concluded that the supplementation synthetic vitamin C as well as herbal liver tonic Superliv liquid at the levels studied in the experiment found to be beneficial to improve the performance parameters like feed efficiency, egg weight, egg production in laying hens during summer stress.

Keywords: Herbal liver tonic, Synthetic vitamin C, Layer performance, Summer stress


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How to Cite

Lonkar, V. D., S. Maini, and K. Ravikanth. “PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT IN LAYER BIRDS SUPPLEMENTED WITH HERBAL LIVER TONIC AND ANTISTRESSOR PRODUCT DURING SUMMER STRESS”. International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 8, no. 7, July 2016, pp. 129-32,



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