
  • Septiani Martha Department of Pharmacy, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia. 2Department of Chemistry, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Serpong, Indonesia.
  • Berna Elya Department of Pharmacy, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia. 2Department of Chemistry, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Serpong, Indonesia.
  • Muhammad Hanafi Department of Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Serpong, Indonesia.



Garcinia kydia Roxburgh, Nil, Antidiabetic, In vitro


Objective : Garcinia kydia Roxb. is aspecies of the genus Garcinia, is based chemotaxonomic has various bioactive compounds that have been isolated by a variety of pharmacological activities, one of the activities that are being developed that inhibition of         α-glucosidase. However, α-glucosidase inhibitory activity in the extracts and fraction from leaves of the Garcinia kydia Roxb. has not been reported. In this study, seeks to evaluated of α-glucosidase inhibitory activity against extracts and fractions of potentially.

Methods : The α-glucosidase inhibitory activity test, conducted by in-vitro using the enzymatic reaction is measured of quantity with a microplate reader and identify the compound from the active fraction with normal-phase thin layer chromatography.

Results : The ethyl acetate and methanol extract have the potential to inhibit the α-glucosidase with the percent inhibition at a concentration of 500μg/mL of 83 and 59%, respectively. The active fraction of the ethyl acetate extracts (FEA8) with percent inhibition at concentrations of 100 mg/mL and IC50 values of 80% and 2,79μg/mL, respectively and active fraction of the methanol extracts (FMT3) with percent inhibition at concentrations of 100 mg/mL and IC50 values of 71% and 8,43 μg/mL, respectively.

Conclusion: Garcinia kydia Roxb. evident has the potential to inhibit the α-glucosidase. Flavonoid and phenolic compounds that suspected of acts as α-glucosidase inhibitory activity. Thus, the research will continue the process of isolating the active compound so that it can be developed as natural therapeutic agents in the control of glucose.



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How to Cite

Martha, S., B. Elya, and M. Hanafi. “COMPARISON OF INHIBITORY ACTIVITY AGAINST THE α-GLUCOSIDASE ENZYMES IN THE EXTRACTS AND FRACTIONS FROM LEAVES OF THE GARCINIA KYDIA ROXBURGH”. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, vol. 10, no. 7, July 2017, pp. 401-4, doi:10.22159/ajpcr.2017.v10i7.18529.



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